Sergeant Major Murray has held every key leadership posi- tion in her career field culminated her 27 year career as the Garrison Operations SGM, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Sergeant Major Murray was directly responsible for spear-heading the distribution of over 4 million dollars of mission-essential equip- ment to Task Force Sinai, Egypt. She developed the G-4’s key performance indicators resulting in improved supply system readiness reporting. SGM Murray’s assignments include: Automated Logistical Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO), Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Assistant Battalion S-4 Non- Commissioned Officer In Charge (Operation Sergeant), Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Field Service SGM, 7th Sustainment Brigade, Afghanistan; Support Operations SGM, 7th Sustainment Brigade, Fort Eustis, Virginia; and the G-5 Plans SGM, 1st Support Command (Theater), Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
US Army Quartermaster Corps
The Quartermaster Hall of Fame award is the highest form of recognition the Corps offers. This much coveted award honors individuals who are judged to have made the most significant contributions to the overall history and traditions of the Quartermaster Corps.
SGM Ruby A. Murray
Class of 2021