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5,000 Club

CPT Deirdre Cozzens Quartermaster Professional Bulletin - Summer 1989 " I wanted to become airborne..." That's the answer often given by parachute riggers when asked why they entered the field. Recruiters tell people that becoming a rigger is a guaranteed way to...

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Introducing the AMSAC

The Quartermaster ReviewMay-June 1945   A  NEW streamlined container for dropping supplies by parachute has just been perfected by the SOS quartermasters of the India-Burma Theatre.  It's called "Amsac" - American sack - and the most rigid tests...

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“Some Succeeded and Some Failed”

Airborne Quartermaster Field Operations By LT. COL. ROBERT C. McKECHNIE, QM-USARQuartermaster Review September-October 1950 What can you conceive more silly and extravagant than to suppose a man racking his brains, and studying night and day how to fly?---WILLIAM LAW...

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