Lieutenant Colonel Richard Batcheldor

In October 1863 on the heels of the Battle of Gettysburg the Federal Army established headquarters in Culpeper, VA. Chief Quartermaster for the Second Corps, Lt. Col. Richard Batchelder was tasked with seeing that the 4,000 six-mule wagons filled with supplies reached their destination. Repelling Confederate Raider John Mosby’s guerrillas at every turn, his gallant efforts won him a Congressional Medal of Honor. After the Civil War, Batchelder then served at various commands across the country under the quartermaster branch for 25 years before he was promoted to Brigadier General on June 26, 1890. With this promotion he was appointed as the 18th Quartermaster General of the United States Army. As Quartermaster General of the Army he was also in charge of the creation of the emblem used to identify the Quartermaster Corps.